Our services

As you can see, we do it all. No two of our hundreds of clients have been the same, and we know that’s true for you too. Our promise to you is to create a completely tailored proposal within a week of initial contact. You will see price breakdowns for each service -those you have requested and those we believe will help you reach your most important business objectives.

Social media marketing

Social media is much more than just emojis and cat videos. It’s a window into your brand’s identity and an opportunity to connect with your customers and prospects. While business owners often think it couldn’t be that hard, they quickly learn that social media management is a full-time job.

Digital advertising

Search engine optimization (SEO) and marketing (SEM) are measurable and fast solutions to convert people who are researching products and services into lifetime customers. Google, YouTube, and social media outlets offer paid solutions that your business must be a part of, especially when your top competitors already are. When done correctly, these tools can help your business become more powerful, and profitable.

If you aren’t using SEO and paid marketing to its full capacity, your business is missing out on sales, incoming leads, and web traffic. SEO and SEM give you the ability to get in front of customers who are already looking for your product or service and be the first to engage with them.

Video production

If you want to catch customers’ eyes and keep their attention, engaging professional quality video is a must. That’s because video is today’s fastest-growing medium for marketing and entertainment. With the increased speed of mobile networks and the prevalence of mobile devices and social media, your customers want you to meet them where they are.

When you work with KreativElement’s video team, you’ll get professional quality videos that tell your company’s story and help your customers get to know not only your product or service, but also your culture and values.


From food shots, to HDR photography for your next listing or shooting your corporate headshots, KreativElement can capture the moment.


Every place you can add copy is an opportunity. As with any opportunity, you have the chance to seize it, or blow it. The copy in your Google listing that persuades a visitor to click, the site copy with calls to action that actually convert, each Tweet that makes someone smile or stop and think -they’re all opportunities to share your brand, create raving fans, or even land a new customer or client.

Web design

Your website is like your digital storefront. If someone walks in the door and isn’t impressed by what they see, you can start counting the seconds until they leave. Today’s websites need to be fast, information-packed, and easy to navigate. They need to make the visitor glad they clicked.

We make sure that when visitors enter your website, they find themselves in a visually pleasing, user-friendly environment that lets them know everything they need to know about your business. If your website needs an update, get in touch. We have a number of options that will suit your needs.

Add-on services

Beyond our main line services we also do:

  • reputation management
  • ADA accessibility
  • reviews management
  • website hosting
  • marketing consulting
  • marketing strategic planning

Tell your story

Marketing in the digital age evolves fast, meaning you need a team that’s experienced and stays up to date with all the latest trends. Whether you’re looking for a brand new state-of-the-art website or a little help with your social media strategy, we have experts in every area of digital marketing that you could possibly need. Allow Ke to help you achieve your marketing goals – we’re your marketing team, we just don’t drink your coffee.