Have You Heard? Weird Is In.

by | Sep 1, 2024 | Content Strategy, Marketing


It’s time to embrace the unusual! In 2024, traditional marketing often misses the mark as consumers grow more and more skeptical of anything that feels too much like a sales pitch. People crave authenticity and creativity, desiring to connect with brands that surprise, provoke thought, or simply entertain. This is why the most successful digital marketing campaigns are those that break the mold with something truly unique. Unconventional and intriguing tactics have become the new standard, cutting through the endless stream of ads both in person and online. From quirky stunts to bold ideas, standing out is the name of the game! So let’s have a little fun and dive into three creative examples from the past to present that show how embracing the unconventional can lead to extraordinary results.


Volkswagen’s “Think Small” campaign

First, we are heading to 1959 with Volkswagen’s “Think Small” campaign – one of the earliest quirky marketing examples. When the campaign started, American car ads focused on the importance of size, power, and luxury. Volkswagen’s revolutionary ads for the Beetle leaned into its small size and practicality in a minimalist, no-nonsense style. The ads challenged the status quo, using self-deprecating humor and simplicity to stand out in the crowded car market.


Why it worked

The “Think Small” campaign went against the grain of traditional advertising. By embracing the Beetle’s small size and twisting it into a selling point, Volkswagen created an iconic campaign that reshaped the auto industry’s marketing approach.


KFC’s 11 Herbs & Spices Twitter stunt

In 2017, KFC’s X (then Twitter) account pulled off a subtle marketing stunt by following exactly 11 people: all five of the Spice Girls and six random men named Herb. This clever nod to their “11 herbs and spices” recipe went unnoticed for weeks until a fan, Mike Edgette, pointed it out via a tweet of his own, generating widespread admiration for the witty social media strategy. “@KFC follows 11 people. Those 11 people? 5 Spice Girls and 6 guys named Herb. 11 Herbs & Spices. I need time to process this.” As of August 2024, it’s been liked over 567,000 times and reposted more than 268,000 times.


Why it worked

KFC’s X stunt was a perfect example of subtle marketing – no flashy ads or big-budget productions. Instead, KFC used a simple, creative idea that got consumers talking and sharing organically.


Duolingo’s TikTok shenanigans

Over the last few years, Duolingo, the language-learning app, has become famous for its unhinged presence on TikTok. The brand’s account features their giant green owl mascot, Duo, in bizarre, trending situations. Duo is portrayed as a menacing character who humorously threatens users to continue their language lessons, plays pranks, and takes on popular trends.


Why it worked

By embracing the playful nature of TikTok, Duolingo managed to connect with younger audiences in an authentic way. The content is shareable, aligns with the platform’s culture, and has turned Duolingo one of the most followed and engaged-with brands on TikTok.


What lessons did we learn along the way?

  • Being honest about your product, even if they seem like disadvantages, can build trust with customers
  • Letting the audience discover the message on their own can lead to organic buzz and deeper engagement
  • Tailoring content to fit the unique culture of a social media platform, especially where creativity is valued, can significantly boost engagement


These three unconventional campaigns prove that when it comes to marketing, thinking outside the box can lead to remarkable results. Whether through self-deprecating humor, immersive experiences, or clever social media stunts, quirky strategies have the power to capture attention, spark conversation, and leave a lasting impact. So don’t shy away from taking risks! Embrace a unique brand personality and have some fun with your marketing strategy. Who knows? Your next “weird” idea might just become the latest trend!

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