The Hype Behind Instagram Carousels

by | Nov 13, 2020 | Social Media

How many times have you swiped left on Instagram? Probably way too many to count. You could be swiping left on your favorite brand’s new product launch or perhaps to read your daily news. Or maybe it’s to watch your favorite quick video series. Whatever the case may be, Instagram carousels are one of the most vital and popular parts of the social network. Instagram carousels have quickly risen in popularity and have proven to be a game-changer for business owners and digital marketers who are on Instagram. In this blog, we’ll be discussing the hype behind Instagram carousels and discuss how you can grow your Instagram using carousel posts.

What is an Instagram Carousel?

If you are looking for a way to share product variations, different colors/styles of your merchandise, or even to showcase a series, an Instagram carousel is the way to go. Instagram carousels come in handy for when you want to share a combination of pictures, videos, or even close-ups. Instagram allows you to choose up to 10 pieces of content for each carousel.

Engagement 101

By sharing all of that content in one post, you’re able to up your engagement on one post instead of spreading it out between multiple posts. According to recent reports, when businesses use multiple slides, it automatically increases engagement by 2%.

Instagram prioritizes content by engagement – that’s how they know if content posted is relevant to a given audience. Each like, comment, and swipe on a carousel counts towards that engagement rate, ensuring your post is seen by more people in your audience. Plus, a well-performing carousel post can bring users to your feed and encourage them to interact with the rest of your content.

Artful Storytelling

The videos and pictures in a carousel create a story. With the right strategy, your users will be hooked by the story in the first couple of slides. By collecting up to 10 images or videos in a single post, you’re able to convey more about your products or services than you’d be able to in a single image or video. Check out Ke’s artful storytelling on our Instagram

Flexibility in Your Content

While you are deciding what you want your first Instagram carousel to be, there is no doubt this feature allows for flexibility. You have the freedom to incorporate multiple types of content in a single post. For example, instead of sharing a single image or video for a product launch, with a carousel you can include that announcement, plus customer reviews for the product, before and afters, and so much more! 

Since there is so much flexibility when it comes to posting, we encourage you to experiment with including videos and photos in the same carousel. After a while, you’ll be able to decipher what variations do better for engagement and reach. 

Carousels are one of the most versatile, engaging, user-friendly features on Instagram right now. There is hype behind this feature because they work wonders when it comes to your engagement, storytelling, and content creation. 

What’s your favorite feature on Instagram? Let us know in the comments below.

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